Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our little drummer (and guitar) boy

Moses is transitioning beautifully to our home here in Portland. When Dustin walked out of the airport it was with Moses sleeping on his shoulder. He woke and allowed me to hold him immediately. My heart soared. I didn't know if he'd want to be held by me right away. We made our way to the baggage claim where we played on the floor. With very little coaxing, he crawled to me. Dustin says Moses rarely crawls to anyone, so he thought Moses might remember me from all those months ago. That night, he slept in our bed wearing cozy footed moose pajamas (sigh), nestled against my side all night. And I woke up to him crawling all over me and snuggling his face against mine. I honestly couldn't imagine a more perfect first day and night together.

Moses is already on a fairly regular schedule (surprising considering Malawi is ten hours ahead of us) and we're all sleeping through the night. He doesn't like to be apart from his mama and dada so he's often found in our arms or playing right next to us on the floor. We are getting lots of good bonding time and really couldn't be happier. I love spending each moment with him and actually look forward to when he wakes up from his naps. I'll relish them soon enough, I'm sure - after our honeymoon phase.

Moses got a drum for Christmas from our neighbors. He opened this his first morning here and is seldom seen without one of the drumsticks in his hands. We have to pry it from his fingers at bed time. He also loves his daddy's singing and guitar playing and often sings, strums, and drums along as well. He's definitely a little musician in the making, as you can see below.

Sorry this post is short and choppy. Free time is generally full of sleep right now. I want to thank everyone who signed up to bring us meals in these first few weeks. It's so nice to not worry about spending a lot of time in the kitchen so we can be with Moses. We are so glad he's home!


rhmitchell said...

Praise the LORD! So good to know that the three of you are home together. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for bringing us along this journey with you. So good to see you all together in Portland. Also, AMEN that he is sleeping through the night with everything he has been through. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Nathan Koren said...
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Desirée said...

I've never seen you guys look nearly as happy as you do in the last picture. So wonderful and amazing that you're finally together again!

Michael Hayes said...

Cara & Dustin, there are not adequate words to describe how happy we are for all three of you! Blessings on you. We love you!

Kim, Michael, Nathan, Natalie & Matthew

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I am so HAPPY for you guys! Life could not be any sweeter than it is now... What does he smell like? Oh, how I wish I could hold him and breathe him him fully.

What a cute, cute, cute family you all make. Congratulations, once again
You two definitely have weathered a lot to make all of this happen and how proud we are of your faithfulness, your endurance and your humility through it all.

We love you guys and are so proud of you - (kind of like parents if you will - )h

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to say how wonderful the pics of your little family are...

You two look so very, very happy!

And what's not to be happy about, Moses is here finally!!!

To the happy little family of three -

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord that your family is all together again! Moses is such a doll, and looks so happy to be with his mom & dad. God's blessings to you all. I'll pass this along to Pastor Nancy in BL. :-)

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you are all together at last! I am sure words are not adequate at this time but hearing your boys make music together must be gorgeous. Enjoy and keep the photos coming. Sandi